My little girl in a pair of pretty sandals.
I'm not sure if I have mentioned much here about Rosies feet and our quest for shoes for her on 3 different continents or not. Rosie has extremely narrow heels. They aren't much bigger than a mans finger which means every pair of shoes just slips right up and down as she walks. Please don't suggest a brand of shoes because as I have mentioned we have tried 3 different continents in our quest for pretty shoes but they have all failed us miserably. Child has been forced into a life of of Crocs and Keds with one pair of Nikes thrown in for good measure. None of the aforementioned shoes looks pretty with a summer dress, a Christmas dress or any stinking dress for that matter. As luck would have it Tom Boy doesn't much care for dresses but on the odd occasion where Mama says they are mandatory Crocs look horrendous with them.
When I went to get her school
Please excuse the sand on her tootsies and the really shabby pedicure in the photo but we have just got back from a fantastic day in Naples, AKA Nipples. but more on that tomorrow. I just needed to stare at those pretty little toes and share them with my family who will probably pass out from shock as they, well most of them, have joined us in our quest for the perfect fitting shoes in the past.
They are indeed a thing of beauty. Oh my I can hear the angels singing again.
Just in case any of you have the same problem these shoes are "Jumping Jacks"
Love the pretty sandals....the nail polish is a perfect match! The sand keeps it real!
Yeah- pretty shoes! A girl must have at least one pair!!
I think those sandals are just as awesome as the person whose pretty toes are sticking out of them. :o)
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