1 Oct 2011

This post should scare you off for sure.

As most of you know I am a bit of a clean freak and somewhat of a germaphobe with a touch of OCD about many things. It's the way I am, it's my life and this is the road I was chosen to wander. I would tell you how many times a day I wash my hands but I would probably underestimate the number by about 30 something. Weird, it's just weird cos if you knew me as a little kid and the stuff I used to get into you would not believe this is me now.

I don't preach to the girls about cleanliness, I do make them wash their hands quite a bit but if you saw some of the things they picked up you would understand. Where is this going you ask. Well I'm dodging writing what I should. And I am trying to put off the inevitable which is telling you what is going on around here.

A few weeks ago Rosie had a few bites on her little body and she scratched them, as most kids do. I put my trusty Germolene on her but it just didn't seem to do anything. Fast forward a few more days and these "bites" developed little bumpy circles all around their edges and itched like crazy. I kept dousing the kid with Germywermy as we call it and still nothing. Turns out she had RINGWORM. Don't want to say it really loud cos it grosses me out. OMG...I nearly pewked.

Never in a million years did I think I would have to deal with this with one of my girls. YUCK. At first I thought it was a parasite, which meant of course that I would have to boil her in Clorox bleach before allowing her back in the house but lucky for her and me it is merely a fungus. Like that makes it any better.

Kidlet had more than one skanky little patch on her body. 5 to be exact. GAG, wretch, heave. To this day we have no idea where she caught it. We don't have any pets, we haven't been around any pets and at this rate they will NEVER be around any pets. Apparently it is possible to catch it from a park. If cats use the park area for their litterbox and the kids put their hands on the ground....well it's as easy as that.

Can you imagine how embarrassed the girls are going to be next time we go to the park and I start spraying the whole area down with disinfectant spray. Dear Gawd, they are going to be scarred for life. Well to bad I say cos this is never going to happen again.

I can only imagine what will happen if one of them ever has the nerve to bring head lice home from school....blech, perish the thought.

She is recovering from the crud. None of us ever caught it, that might be due to my excessive, over the top, sanitation techniques and I am recovering as well.

Motherhood, it's not for the feint of heart.


Life frome where we are said...


Vivian M said...

Kerri was diagnosed with ringworm, and then was told it was exzema, and turned out to be psoriasis. Not to scare you, but if it does not go away and/or gets worse, see a dermatologist right away.

And if you think ringworm is bad, just be grateful she has never had lice.

By the way, I wonder if you take after your Dad? I mean, he does vacuum his garden. ;o)

Maci Miller said...

Ok, you are so freaking hilarious that I am stifling my laughter as to not wake up the kid. You wouldn't last a 2nd in my house. It's clean, but with 2 long haired furry ones there is always some cat or dog hair flying around. Had ringworm once - like 20 years ago - with my 1st cat, when she was a kitten. One little patch and it went away with cream in like a week and never came back. It's not a big deal, I promise.

I am with you on the lice, though. I will FREAK if that ever happens to Ruby. And then I'll make Jeff pick the little buggers from her head. YUK!


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