We went for a bike ride. Rose wanted to ride today so instead of just setting out from the house Jacob stacked the bikes on bike rack and we headed to our favourite bike riding park. Since the wheels on Rosies bike are approximately the size of a saucer she doesn't exactly whip around the track so we split up and Jacob and Lily took off at high speed and Rosie and I meandered our way around. THe good thing about it was that I was able to video whilst riding.
Crazy girl had to try out all the equipment
We finally caught up with Lily and Jacob, they were waiting for us so that we could fed all the Ibis. Luckily I had the bread so they weren't able to start without us.
Ah ha...an imposter! That sneaky duck was pretending to be an Ibis. Muscovy ducks are usually black and white not solid white.
The weather was close to perfect. We had a taste of Autumn but only for a day. Tomorrow it is going to be hot, hot, hot again. I love days like today.
Autumn for you is shorts?? I was wearing gloves yesterday!!
Looks lovely! It was rainy and cold here. But we have plenty of seagulls, and the Canadian geese are all flying south.
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