12 Apr 2011


When you have 2 girls with an age difference of nearly 5 years you have 2 girls who vary greatly in their tastes and opinions. What is wonderful to one is mortifying to the other.
This is Lily's lunch box and water bottle. Lily has a plain, big girl ice pack cos she is 8

This is Rosie's lunchbox and water bottle. Rosie has a D0ra the annoying Explorer ice pack cos she isn't 8.

Today when I picked up Rosie from school her teacher told me she only ate half of her sandwich. I thought nothing of it but I hadn't made their lunches this morning Jacob had because I left for work at, still dark o'clock.
When Rosie and I walked to the car she asked me to look inside her lunchbox. Oh my, a big girl ice pack and water bottle.

It could mean only one thing...Lily, who is 8 ya' know, must have ended up with the annoying explorer set up. I could only imagine her humiliation when she unzipped her lunchbox, in front of all her peeps in the cafeteria and that lot appeared before her eyes. Kind of made me giggle if I am truthful. Turns out she is still considered cool cos everyone knows she has a little sister and the fact that all the food was in tiny little serving sizes and she had different stuff than her usual fare everyone knew what had happened. Her friends laughed right along with her and offered her some extra stuff cos let's face it, Rose eats like a bird.

This is what Lily had at school today. (insert snide laughter from the evil parent)

Lily despises D0ra, has done so all her life. She went so far once as to ask me to tell Rosie that D0ra was dead so she wouldn't try and watch her on T.V. anymore.

I have just made her lunch for tomorrow and all the karmic forces aligned and she once again has her plain jane, I am 8, set up.


Life frome where we are said...

Why do we have such a "sick" sense of humor???

Love Letters To China said...

That is hysterical! My daughter would have disappeared from embarrassment if ever happened to her. Buzzlight Year just is so NOT cool. ;-)

Tammie said...

As soon as I saw the Dora pack, I knew exactly what Evil Daddy had done! Of course, that didn't stop me from laughing one bit.

Maci Miller said...

Oh, that's too funny!

Vivian M said...

Hysterical! Poor Lily. But so funny!


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