14 Apr 2011


This is a post of utter nonsense.

Sometimes when the girls are in the bath the most amazing things happen to their hair. It leaves me flummoxed. Rosie's is by far the worst but sometimes Lily's isn't a whole let better.

Lily, after she towel dried it. Hello Medusa.
The Donald's got nothing on this comb over
Uh huh, she calls this brushed.

Now on to a different subject and a different day.
Have any idea what these 3 Musketeers are doing? **

Off we trot again to a different subject.
I changed Lily's room around today and figured she would probably be quite bothered by it. As easy going as she is she gets most perturbed when things in the house get changed around.
She loved it. It doesn't photograph very well as you can't see all the polka dots on her sheets and lampshade and toy box that match the walls.

Hold on tight we off again.
The IRS is disputing our adoption of Rosie. I have decided that instead of sending an enormous mountain of paperwork in to our accountant, so that he can send it on it's merry way, I am just going to stick a stamp on her head and mail her directly to them.

** The photo of the 3 Musketeers: they were fishing off of a bridge and they played it for ages. They were filled with fish stories, about the one that got away.

You may unbuckle your seat belt now and escape this bumpy ride.


M3 said...

Love that color in her room!

Life frome where we are said...

Me too....my favorite!

Tammie said...

I absolutely refuse to allow Erin to see Lily's room! She'll do nothing but complain that Lily's room is blue but hers isn't. OTOH, it really is lovely!

Vivian M said...

Love the room!


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