23 Nov 2010

Long Time No Post

  • Busy. That sums up my life at the moment.
  • I have 14 people for Thanksgiving and I am really bad at cooking. How on earth do you figure out how much food is required for that amount of people? It's mind boggling.
  • Last weekend we had so much fun and I don't have any photos to prove it.
  • We have already gone to a Christmas parade. A bit early don't you think? It was very lame this year, most years it is really impressive.
  • FCC groups rock. We had our national adoption day picnic on Sunday and it was fabulous. I cannot imagine not being able to share my life with all these families. Everybody has something to offer that MAKES SENSE, as opposed to the usual busy body stuff. LOVE THAT.
  • Christmas shopping. Need I say more?
  • Cannot wait to get into the Christmas spirit but I feel rather behind cos I have barely done any shopping. Once I get more done I will calm down.
  • Life with Rosie is a dance. We move forward 2 paces and side step one. Somethings get easier and others, not so much. I cannot wait for the day that she has the vocabulary to express her fears.
  • 3rd grade is going to renamed: the year of the projects. Lily barely finishes one and another one is assigned. Seriously, do we need 40,000 projects on one school year?
  • Lily decided to go on a sleep walking bender on Sunday night. Hubby and I were hysterical. She finally ended up climbing on to the island in the kitchen and falling back into a restful slumber. HILARIOUS. Since she is known to sleep walk frequently we have high locks on all exterior doors that she cannot reach.
  • Rosie has been sleeping in her own bed. Her choice. I wonder how long it will last. It came with a self imposed condition that I don't like but that is part of the dance. This child is way to tough on herself.
  • Rosie has her first "play" coming up in a couple of weeks. Her teacher has already told me to expect her to run of off the stage in tears. At least we are on the same page. I will be amazed if she does anything other than that. Kidlet hates crowds and anything that is loud. I will have the video camera at the ready.
  • I am house sitting for a friend. She has been gone for nearly a month and I just remembered the other day to water her plants. Oopsie, I think they are OK but I am not sure. I have done everything else but the plants escaped my head. They didn't escape Lily's, thank goodness.
  • I had my hair cut the other day and didn't like it. I came home and did it myself....looks good now.
  • I think that is all the stuff that was ruminating through my noggin.


Life frome where we are said...

The food part is easy.....you just tell everyone to bring something! All you have to do is set the table!!! Sounds like a good job for the kids!

Vivian M said...

I like Val's idea. But if you need any tips, call me!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and don't sweat the small stuff.

Andie said...

Happy Thanksgivng, have a wonderful time with your friends. love to everyone.

Andie said...

Happy Thanksgivng, have a wonderful time with your friends. love to everyone.


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