30 Sept 2010

The Importance Of Family Dinners

All child development experts will tell you that it is extremely important for families to sit down together and eat dinner as a family.
They say this because they have never sat down and had dinner with Rosie and Lily and never had to endure a conversation with the two of them.

Rosie: Mama, I am going to drink all of my milk because milk makes you big and strong.
Me: That's right Rosie it does. Gosh when you grow up you are going to be so smart just like Lily.
Rosie: I don't want to be smart Mama, I want to be just like you.
Lily: Oh so you'd rather be blonde than smart Rosie huh?
Me: You two are right charmers! I happen to be very smart and just a little blonde.
Lily: Mummy, you are really blonde.

Good thing I haven't got a fragile ego.


Life frome where we are said...

Oh my!! Too, too funny!

Maci Miller said...

Nice! You are cracking me up here! Stop making me laugh so hard or I'll wake up the baby! :-)


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