22 Aug 2010

That's That Then.

The girls are in bed, their uniforms are laid out, backpacks packed and ready by the front door and their lunch boxes are sitting on the island ready to go. All of this can only signal one thing, the end of summer vacation....sniff, sniff. Oh my it went so fast. I loved having Lily at home with me every single day.

I loved going out on adventures with both of them, seeing things through their eyes all the time. Not having to rush to school and rush home from school and rush to get finished with homework so that we could eat our dinner in a rush and get in the bath and get to bed at a decent hour so as to start the madness all over again. I think one day I will do a photo hour by hour of a typical day just so that I can document the insanity of our week.

This year marks a milestone for us as both girls will be going to school. 2 girls in 2 schools starting at different times in different places...oh yeah, more madness. Thank heavens for prophylactic migraine meds. LOL Lily steps into 3rd grade tomorrow morning and she is unfazed by it all. She wishes she didn't have to go as in her words school is boring. I don't think it really is I think that is a standard sentence used by 8 yr olds.

We had a wonderful summer filled to the brim with travel, friends and family and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I am off to drown my sorrows with some strawberries and pineapple dipped in melted white chocolate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know.... it ends so soon


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