3 Aug 2010

Summer Time

Finally we have been home for more than a few days at a time and summer isn't a rush from one airport to the next. It has been lovely. Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed every single moment that we have been away but it has been really lovely to kick back at home for 2 weeks. The strangest part of all is how late we are all sleeping. I have not slept passed 6.am in years and years with or without an alarm clock and this past week we have all been waking up at 9ish!

Lily is all kitted out and ready for school her backpack is packed and ready for the first day and weighs nearly as much as she does what with all the mandatory supplies. Seriously, what does she need with 48 pencils and 17 duotang folders to mention just 2 items? Just asking.

Rosie was very excited about her first day but is now showing signs that she is changing her mind. We are not at all surprised at this change of heart. She will only be going 2 mornings a week but this will be a HUGE step for her.

We spend many hours in the pool at the moment and today was no exception. It was slightly different however cos I was sidelined due to a toe injury and couldn't get it wet. It gave me a great opportunity to take pictures though.

My bathing beauties
handstand time
Rosie decided she could swim and wave at the same time. She later said she could swim and smile...nuts I tell ya!
My toe. I hurt it when I was in England and finally had to admit defeat (defeet) and go to the doctor. He aspirated it and now we wait and see. If it isn't fully better in a couple of weeks I have to have surgery.


Maci Miller said...

Great pics! Isn't it great to just kick around and sleep in during the summer? I am loving it myself! Sorry to hear about the toe! Hope you are on the mend fast!

Michelle said...

Thank you so much for the prayers regarding Joe's job interview tomorrow. It means a lot to me.

I hope your toe is o.k. That does not sound fun at all!

Love Letters To China said...

What great pics of the girls swimming. That little one of yours is quite the swimmer. My peanut swims great except he doesn't come up for air. Drives us CRAZY!! He can dive down to the deep end and pick up a toy, but he refuses to lift his head up until he reaches the side. Might need some private lessons again.

I've been following you on FB during your travels. Looks like you've been having an awesome summer. Sorry to hear about your toe. Looks terribly painful. Hope you get good news from the doctor on your next appointment.

Vivian M said...

Hope your toe gets better so you can avoid surgery! Love the red bandage though!
Your little mermaids are beautiful. Now if they could only teach Kerri how to swim (with a smile on her face)!


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