5 Jun 2010


Tomorrow Lily will turn 8. It seems awfully big to me. It means she will enter 3rd grade when she returns to school in the fall. It means that even more of her baby teeth will fall out of her cute little mouth. It means that she will grow even more independent. It means that she will lose just a little bit more of her innocence, yet not too much as she is only 8. It means lots more questions from her that will result in her having fits of giggles as she finds out what "that" word really means.

It means she is growing up and as much as I find that so very very hard I just love this little girl so much and love to see the person she is becoming.

She keeps telling us that she wants to move and I really hope that this year will be the year it happens. I would like nothing more than for her to get into a different school district and be closer to her friends. She is becoming such an accomplished rider that she knocks my socks off with her talents. She can be bossy with Rosie but for the most part she is very protective and sweet. When we are out she naturally plays the role of protector to her. She loves to read and reads way beyond her grade level. I swear if she could figure out how to read in her sleep she would. Suddenly her art has taken on a mind of it's own and she can draw everything and anything. She was asked to join the school art team and loved every minute of it.

It is a rare moment to find Lily with a sad face. She is smiley 90% of the time and this has been the case since she was very young.

You cannot pull the wool over her eyes for anything. This kid needs the truth and the facts. So long as things are told to her in an age appropriate manner she can handle anything but if you try and sugarcoat something for her you had better watch out. She knows exactly what she wants and nothing will change her mind. She has many perfectionist qualities and they can drive an onlooker insane.

Most of all she is an all round kind sweet person with a heart of gold. She doesn't "get" mean people and can't figure out why anyone does anything unkind. (hope she stays this way) If someone is sad she is usually the first on the scene.

Lily you are amazing and we love you so very much. I hope that being 8 is everything you dreamed it would be and more.
I love you with all my heart and then some.


Robin said...

Happy 8th Birthday Lily! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends! :0)

Briana's Mom said...

Happy Birthday sweet Lily. How in the world is she 8 years old? She is growing up so fast! Oh my! I hope Lily has a perfect, fun and sunshiny day!

Maci Miller said...

What an awesome girl. I could tell that the minute I met her. Big birthday hugs from us!


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