23 Dec 2009

This, My Big Lily.

Yesterday was take your sibling to school day at Rosie's school and it was something that she took very seriously. Public school is already on Christmas break but Rosie goes to a Jewish pre-school and they had one more class before their break so Miss Frankie invited all the big sisters and brothers to join them. I thought Rosie was going to burst with excitement at the thought of taking Lily with her to school. Lily went to this school when she was a little nipper so Frankie was looking forward to seeing her and Lily was looking forward to accompanying Rosie. We asked Lily to be laid back and follow Rosie's lead because it was all about Rosie and not about her. She was really great about it and let Rosie take her into school even though she knew exactly where to go.

Rosie took Lily's hand and led her to her classroom and strutted up to Miss Frankie and announced with great pride, "Miss Frankie, this, my big Lily." It was so cute! There is just one little problem...no camera. Lily stuck to Rose like glue and did everything she was told to do. They made candy canes to hang on the tree. They made a Fry the Latke game together and have played it non stop since yesterday. They feasted together on a marshmallow and pretzel dreidel and that they made at snack time and also nibbled on some goodies at the Christmas Party. Yes, I know a Christmas party at a Jewish School! They had a Hanukkah party a couple of weeks back so this week was mostly about Christmas. Most of the employees were gone for the break so Frankie decided she could get away with it. Everything they do their covers all religions and that is one of the reasons why we love this school so much. They handed out gifts and received gifts from Frankie. It was truly a wonderful moment as a mother to see them there together. Lily had as much fun as Rose and declared Rosie's school more fun that her own. Rosie was so proud to be able to show off her big Lily to all her friends. Since their is a thread going through the blogs at the moment about kids and manners I was happy to hear people compliment me on my children and their manners and social graces. It's a work in progress and will always be, of that I am sure but it was that I will NOT back down from.

I still can't believe I forgot my darned camera and failed to use the one in my phone...DOH.


Tammie said...

You forgot your camera!? For shame! For shame! ;-p

It sounds like a perfectly wonderful day for both Rosie & Lily.

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

Love it!! Your kids are so wonderful and reflect all of your love and guidance.

I think your descriptions make up for the lack of camera.

Maci Miller said...

Oh, how wonderful! Your girls ARE so polite and sweet and how great the love they have for one another and Rosie's great pride in her big sis! Adorable! sounds like a nice school,too.

Wishing you the best holiday! Got your card...love it!

Special K said...

Sounds like a most perfect day.


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