We were instructed that the students were to arrive at 6pm and the performance would begin at 7pm. Instead of going home and waiting for 40 minutes Rosie and I just headed to the stage and took our seats along with a few other parents. It worked really well as we were able to sit in the front row. After what seemed like an eternity the Principal of the school came out and introduced Lily's class and off we went.
The little ones take their work so seriously it is just so lovely to watch them all file out on to the stage looking very important and pensive. They took their places and then every single one of them looked around to find their families....so sweet. Rosie of course yelled out to Lily so that helped Lily locate us and put a huge grin on Lil's face.
Here is a few seconds of Lily playing her "bells". If you watch her towards the end you will see that she gets all confused but manages to recover just as it ends. Oopsie. She wasn't at all bothered by her mistake and she had 3 songs to do and this was just one tiny oops.
Lily and Sana. These 2 have been friends since their very first day of school. I really like this little girl and her family and it makes me very happy that her and Lily are still great friends today. They are no longer in the same homeroom but they spend every afternoon together in the gifted program and obviously decided they were going to be together this evening as well.
So precious! I love watching the kids perform during the holidays. Liam has his Christmas show tomorrow morning. His class are going to be woolly lambs... and to think I don't even have my good camera for this one. :-(..
I love Christmas performances! Lily did great!
I absolutely loved going to Briana's Christmas program. Her very first one and my very first one as a parent. It was so special!
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