26 Nov 2009


Lily made a little paper turkey yesterday and gave each one of us a feather to write on what we are thankful for. I thought it was such a lovely idea. I am thankful for my family, my home and my health, our troops and of course a myriad of other things that I couldn't fit on this tiny feather. Lily is thankful for her family, her shelter and her food, Jacob is thankful for Mommy, Lily and Rose and Rosie said she was thankful for Mummy, Daddy, Big Lily and anything orange. Obviously she couldn't write her list so Lily did it for her but she did not persuade her in anyway.

I think it is hugely important as a parent to teach my children to be thankful for all that they have and to realise that there are many people all over the world that have very little and in some cases nothing. Lily truly understands this and often takes the money that she has in her piggy bank and asks if she can donate it to Half the Sky or to one of the many projects run by our adoption agency, WACAP. We are not a family that practises an organized religion mainly because Jacob and I are of different faiths and don't agree with each others beliefs wholeheartedly but we are a very spiritual family. In my opinion, and we are all entitled to opinions, you do not need religion to instill right and wrong into your children. Good morals and values are found in your heart and soul.

Teaching my children to be thankful is something that is a daily task and not something that I do on the last Thursday of November but having a day to celebrate the Pilgrims and the Mayflower and feasting on turkey and pumpkin pie together with friends and family is a wonderful way to celebrate American traditions.

So yes I am very thankful for many many things both large and small but not just today, everyday.

I am especially thankful for these 2 little girls who have made my heart complete.


Tammie said...

Being thankful is such a hard thing to explain to children. I think that your girls definitely understand the meaning of the holiday, but as you said, being thankful isn't meant for just one day.

Joannah said...

You have much to be thankful for.

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!


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