29 Nov 2009

Home Alone

I can hear a pin drop! I can really.

Jacob has just abducted the kidlets for a few hours so that I can organise some of the Christmas shopping that I have hidden throughout the house in the last couple of days in the most ludicrous places. As I have bought the gifts into the house I have just sort of stashed and shoved them into the most ridiculous places and I am worried that if I don't get them sorted out very soon I am going to forget where they are or the kids are going to find them.

Talking of toys and gifts: why do toy manufactures find it necessary to package toys in such peculiar shaped boxes and plastic doodads that are just utterly hopeless for the average Joe to wrap with any panache? I think it should be mandatory during the holidays for all toys to come in either square or rectangular boxes so that we can all wrap them nicely and put bows on them and make them look like Hallm*rk adverts. My Mother could wrap anything and make it look really beautiful but I on the other hand cannot do this. My gifts frequently end up looking like the kids have wrapped them.

As you can tell I am doing a really great job of getting organised. So far I have checked FB and a few blogs and now I am posting. I'm not really stalling as such as I like to think of it as gathering momentum. Following this I shall probably go and shower as being able to do this in solitude is also something of a novelty.

The toys and gifts are beckoning and a photo op with Santa this afternoon is also looming on the horizon so I must go. Hopefully the Santa visit will be relatively painless for Rosie but we will have to wait and see. She calls him the "Ho Ho Ho Man". If she gets within 2ft of him I will post the photo later on and even if she doesn't I will still post the photo because it will be Lily and the "Ho Ho Ho Man".

Now where the heck are all the packages???


Anonymous said...

wrap them in newspaper and make the shapes even more bizarre. I find that even bad wrapping looks good and creates a laugh later. luv x

Anonymous said...

not sure if yoo will get the above ...let me know col.

4D said...

Hope you got it all done and had a bit of you time.

Keep smilin!

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

Hope that you were finally able to find them!

So, I just got back into bloggy reading after the bridal extravaganza and I find that you moved...what gives?!?


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