5 Nov 2008

The Walking Wounded

What a day! It started very early as a certain child cannot seem to get her head around the time change. She always used to wake up at 6am but since Sunday it has been 4am and she is up...really up and doesn't go back to sleep. This mornings wake up call might not have been so bad if I hadn't stayed up really late watching the election results pour in. Being a foreigner I cannot vote so I just crossed my fingers and hoped like H*ll that things would work out. I went to bed smiling but at 4am the smile was a little disfigured.

Rosie then decided that she only needed an hour nap today so by early afternoon she was wrecked, but wouldn't nap so I sat on the couch with her and she decided to fall off. Face first smack into the tile! Lots of blood and lots of tears later and she has a bruise on her chin and a fat lip. I am not sure why but these things don't freak me out I just stay very calm and deal with whatever it is and try very hard to make them feel better ASAP. She soon forgot about it and Lily came home from school and they tore through the house like a couple of tornadoes.

On Wednesdays we always go to the park and meet our friends there. We all take some food and the the kiddies play and we nibble and they nibble and all of us have fun. Lily and her friend Julia decided to climb a tree. It was a Bottlebrush tree so it wasn't very high but the trunk was divided into two so they were able to "climb" using that as a base. They were having fun and I warned Lily not to go to high. Rosie was watching them, as was I. I turned my back for a couple of minutes and thwump! Lily hit the ground actually she landed on her sister. Rosie was fine and got up laughing but Lily wasn't quite so lucky. As she was slipping she dragged her arm down the branch and tore all of the skin off of it in a 2 inch square. She didn't cry but I could tell by looking at it that it must have stung so much. I cleaned it up with what I had available and she went right back to playing but by the time we headed to the car she was really starting to feel it. She put on a brave face right up until bath time. Usually when they have cuts and scrapes I slather the owie with zinc oxide cream before they get into the bath and it stops if from stinging but this scrape needed to be cleaned thoroughly so I told her I couldn't do it and warned her it would sting. I told her to make up an opera and belt out the words as loud as she could because by focusing her attention towards something else I knew we would succeed in cleaning it. It worked. I won't say she didn't yelp a couple of times but I let her wash it so that she could be in control off her pain. It wasn't until she was in the bath that I realised she had scraped her legs pretty badly too but they were nothing in comparison to the inside of her arm. I put some cream on it and a dressing cos Band Aids don't come in odd shapes and then she was fine.

Rosie, who hates to be outdone, spent her time in the bath nursing an invisible owie on her arm and even managed to keep her arm straight just like her sister the whole time she was in there. As I put her jimjams on she even winced and made a fuss and then would giggle. I asked her where her owie was and she looked a bit puzzled and then pointed to her lip....this kid is nuts too.

So the walking wounded are both sleeping and I am heading in that direction as well cos I need more sleep than 4 hours a night. Maybe if Mama is well rested she can prevent the accidents from happening! And if I don't get a goodnights sleep I will be joining the walking wounded as I will be walking into the walls.


Vivian M said...

No matter how well rested you are, the accidents will still happen, that's life. I am so very glad neither of them were seriously hurt, and hope they get well soon. Rosie is too funny, trying to be just like her big sister!
When you figure out how to get more sleep, let me know. Kerri stopped napping before she hit 2!

Andie said...

Sorry, to hear you have two wounded soldiers, but it's a good job they both got injured together, so that one didn't feel left out!

I laughed out loud when I read that Lily landed on Rosie. Your caring cousin!


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