Be back later with photos of the girlies.
Okay so as someone has already pointed out it is a lot later and the photos, well they are non existent really.
Lily had a Harvest Festival at school today and she was able to wear her costume. I guess they aren't allowed to call it Halloween. As of 7.45am we were still unsure whether she was meant to go to school in her costume or change into later on, her teachers have a real problem with communication. The past 2 years she has had to change into it. I rang the school but the machine kept picking up so at 7.58 Jacob got through to them and she was to wear her costume. We leave the house at 8.05 so we were scurrying a bit. She then decides that she wants her face painted! Hello Deary, we have 3 minutes until we have to leave!! I painted her face, sort of, in record time and then Rosie starts pointing to the paint and pointing to her face, she wasn't about to be left out so I put red dots all over her and she was very pleased with them.
Manic face painting

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Ready To Go

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books
Lily surprised us this year by only wearing one costume. Last year I think she was at least 3 different things. She had a great time at school and came home with lots of loot which I pilfered and put straight into the outgoing candy bag. Don't tell her.
This evening I repainted Lil's face and painted a pumpkin on Rosies cheek and all was well but before I realised what had happened she had rubbed her face and her pumkin was smeared all over the place. I decided to paint her hand instead and she loved it. She donned her pumpkin outfit and we headed to the homes of some friends to trick or treat. They had so much fun. I didn't take one photo. I know it is bad and I am sorry but watching two kidlets high on sugar darting up to front doors and shrieking trick or treat just doesn't make for a good photo op. I tried a few times to video tape them because Rosie says, "tickteat" and thrusts out her bag in the cutest fashion but each time I got the camera out and ready they were done!
Believe me they had fun. They have so many sweeties it isn't even funny. When we got home I put even more of their stuff in the outgoing bag and placed it outside hoping that people would just help themselves whilst I got Rosie ready for bed. I had just come downstairs when I heard the pumpkin being shaken so I opened the door to find a lady taking the whole lot!!!! She jumped a little when she saw me and acted as if nothing was unusual. Lily and I took the baby monitor and sat outside and Lily was the candy distributor. I don't know whether it was all the sweets she had eaten but she was really silly and had me in fits.
Now both little girls are sleeping and dreaming of "sugar" dancing in their heads.