11 Sept 2008



One of them we wish could and the other one of them we wish would not talk quite so much.

Rosie has really started to talk now. A lot of it can only be understood by me but I think Jacob is starting to figure out some of the obvious ones. She will parrot anything tht you say now and proudly calls herself Ro Ree, she loves to say gool (school) when we have to pick up Lily. She has some made up words for things and one of them is brey brey, which in Rosie talk means blanket. One of her favourite past times is to talk on the phone. There is no shortage of old cellphones and toy phones in this house and she is usually carrying one about with her. She flips them open and says, Hey Yo (hello).

Lily, on the other hand is talking much to much in school :( Out of the past 4 weeks she has received a yellow light warning 3 times for chatting too much. We are trying so hard to curb her constant chatter but she is a social little girl who loves to yip. I spoke with my friend Jenny who was a kindegarten teacher for years and she gave us a wonderful tip. We went to the craft store and purchased, beads, wire and a clasp to make a bracelet with. Each day that she comes home with no yellow light she gets to add a new bead to her bracelet. It has only been 2 days but so far so good. I decided to get her really pretty glass beads and a really pretty silver heart shaped clasp. She wears the bracelet to school and it reminds her not to talk. We have our fingers, toes, eyes, legs and arms crossed for success. I also believe that the work they are doing is much to easy for her but she is in an honors programme and the teacher assures me they will start to accelerate very soon.

A little Rosie story for everyone to laugh at: Yesterday Lily was watching the telly and Rosie and I were in the same room as her. Rose doesn't care to watch telly but she just happened to glance at it during a commercial and walked over to it and tried to eat the food that they were advertising. The twit put her mouth right on the screen trying to get a bite of Special K. all she got was a mouth of static. She sees so little television that I felt bad for her when one of our friends showed her Elmo and she didn't know who he was so I dug out an old DVD of Lily's and now she can identify everyones favourite bright red monster by name.

2 weeks and 2 days until surgery....not that I am counting, not that the thought goes threw my mind a thousand times a day, not that I am dreading the way she will act when she sees the Dr's. No, not me, I never worry about things.........much.


April said...

Oh Dawn,
I have to say I was Lily in school. From K-12th I was in constant trouble for talking. I remember once I got the award for being the quietest in class after really trying, but I missed chatting way to much to ever do that again. I will hope that the bracelet helps and that the advanced classes will also.

That is so cute about Rosie talking. I just love that little baby chatter that only mummies understand. :-)

We are so much alike. I'm sorry I have not been keeping up with writing you back. I truly love your support and it means the world to me. I did not mention your name in my post because of you being undercover and I didn't want to blow it. Then it dawned (oh, that was really not pun intended, but it gave me a laugh so, pun intended) on me that you have left comments. Duh.

Okay, back to be a sap that cries at everything. Now Patrick is really worried. He was wondering how I was going to be when Eliana get into our arms. Poor thing! I'm glad I'm not alone and I usually sit and cry over lots and lots of post.

I am praying already for the surgeon, nurses etc. and Rosie for her up coming surgery. I am so thankful that her Mummy, Daddy and Lily will be there to comfort her before, during and after her surgery and not sitting in a hospital all by herself crying and no one hears or comforts. She has the most wonderful family.

Love to you,

April said...

PS. I didn't realize how much I wrote. Guess I should have emailed. lol


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