4 Aug 2008

Rosie Round - Up

Rosie has now been home with us for 6 months. It is the same old cliche that you hear every day: sometimes it feels like just yesterday and sometimes it feels like she has been with us forever. The one thing we know for sure is that she is changing in leaps and bounds. She was so very fragile to begin with and had such a hard time dealing with the loss of her former home but she slowly turned it all around and has become our daughter and she is now so very affectionate towards us. The biggest changes have happened in the last couple of weeks.

She turned 18 months yesterday and is right on target with other children of her age developmentally but still lags behind in her size. We had a big day last week when I went through her closets and had to get rid of all her 9 month old clothes cos they just don't fit. The tops still fit but the bottoms looked as if she was waiting for a flood.

I trimmed her hair because her scraggy fringe was in her eyes and now she actually looks a bit older. I also trimmed the back so that it was even and now hopefully it will grow enough so that it can be styled by a hairdresser. (Jenna, are you coming down for a visit anytime soon?)

Although she doesn't say an awful lot in English she makes herself understood. Her vocabulary consists of the usual first words and the funniest thing that she has started to do is call everybody Mummy. I mean everybody! She knows that it gets attention so she just yells, MUM. She used to call Jacob Dada but now he is Mum as well, ditto Lily. Even our friend Hollis was Mummy yesterday.

We are working very hard with her to stop her from hitting and biting Lily and I think (fingers crossed, pay the Rabbi, send a cheque to Uncle Howard, and salt over my shoulder) we are winning the war. I really told her off the other day and sat her in the naughty corner and explained the whole deal to her and hopefully she will think twice before doing it again.

She has a stubborn streak that is mind blowing but she has met her match with us cos as a child I was the Queen of stubborn. Her clever little mind picks up on everything and when she sets her mind to do something she does it. She loves to read books, even if they are upside down and jabbers away to herself making up the story. If you put the television on she will turn it off and if it isn't on she will turn it on. She sleeps like a champion and wakes up every morning with a smile.

She truly is a wonderful little girl and we love her so very much. It is hard to imagine back to life without her. If I had a penny for every time that Lily says she loves her baby sister I would be a millionaire but instead I get the warm fuzzy's and they in themselves are worth millions.

The other day Lily left the stair gate open and Rosie noticed it immediately and made a bee-line for it. I was watching her and I have never seen her climb the stairs quite so fast. She giggled all the way to the top. If any doors are left open she will say, uh oh and shut them. She is so helpful. She still likes to unroll the toilet paper and unload the cupboards.

She is a thumb sucker and I thought that since she did that she wouldn't need anything else but I was wrong. She has her thumb, her bunny, and 2 blankets that she drags about with her. Quite frankly she looks like a homeless woman who is dragging her life around with her. For Christmas I will have to buy her a little shopping trolley so that she can really play the part.

She makes us laugh endlessly with her antics and she knows only to well that she is funny. Her and Lily conspire against us and have a ball doing it.

Rosie still doesn't like strangers and clings to us when we are out and about. On occasion she will say hi to people but usually she gets rather bothered when people come to close to her. She needs a t-shirt that says, get out of my space.

This was out little sweet girl 6 months ago. Poor little soul was scared to death and heart broken. It still hurts me to see these pictures but I know now that she is fine.

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And this is the same little girl yesterday. All confident and having fun.

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This video makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

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src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyMTc5MDQ*MzM*NTMmcHQ9MTIxNzkwNDQzNjE*MCZwPTEyNTIxJmQ9Jm49Jmc9MQ==.gif" />

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This month holds a lot of doctors appointments for her and she isn't going to like it one bit. She has her 18month old check up with the pediatrician and then we also have to go back to Miami Children's Hospital for an EKG an Echo and this time she will have chest xrays as well. Hopefully if she has to have the surgery it will get scheduled and we can put it behind us and move on and if she doesn't have to have because by some small miracle it has healed itself then we will just start marching forwards from that moment. Since her heart is improving we are really hoping it has fixed itself.

1 comment:

Steffie B. said...

she is so stinkin cute! ;) Love the last picture!


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