9 Oct 2007


When you have as much fun as we have been having it must become a four letter word hence the new spelling, Phun.

I had a really lovely spa day the other day and it was all courtesy of Lily. First she gave me a massage and I have to say that the nightly massages that she gets are finally paying off because the child is good at it. After the massage she wanted to do my hair so I obliged her. Not really sure I should post the photos but I am anyway. As I have proved countless times I have no standards. She even took the photo.

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This weekend we spent with lots of her friends at the house and it was wonderful. On Saturday her friend Mia came over and Mia has just recieved her referral for her Mei Mei and Lily was so disappointed that she didn't bring her. I have told her at least a billion times that the baby is still in China but she just cannot grasp that idea.
On Sunday we had 3 other friends over for the day and it was bliss. Chaotic bliss if that makes sense. If you want to have oodles and oodles of phun, just add kids. I bought each of them, Jacob included, a can of silly string and left them to it. I think the shrieks of delight could be heard in the next state.

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Every single toy that Lily owns, and that is quite a few, was removed from it's home and scattered willy nilly throughout the house. I loved it. The 4 of them got along famously the whole time which in my eyes is miraculous.

Since we now know that the CCAA matched through the 30th of November it means there are only 63 LID's ahead of us. Doesn't sound like much but considering they have been doing 5 days worth a month it could take a long time but I am remaining optimistic that since we have finally said good riddance to the big months that we should see Chopsticks little face in approximately 7 more months. That's my story and I am sticking to it.


Dannye said...

and I second your story....looks like you guys have been really having loads and loads of phun...oh cool...miss you guys..

3D said...

Phun times!!!

Silly string is always a good time.

I am sticking with your story too!

Keep smilin!

amy said...

Great optimism and great pics as usual

Polar Bear said...

What great PHUN!!!
I'll come for a spa day any time. LOVE the hair! ;o)

Silly string looks like a lot of fun!

Buckeyes & Eggrolls said...

I vote for stickin to your story too !! that CCAA needs to get in gear I tell you! So many babies need their forever families. times a wastin CCAA.. get a move on !

Kris said...

Dear God she does hair better than I do (I'm terrible at doing other people's hair, I'll have to practice for Macey).

Glad you had so much phun- and I love the story you're sticking to- God please just let us get to 2 week referrals at a time!

Ann said...

stick to it and when little chopstick gets here it's going to be loads of phun!!


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