13 Jun 2007

My Bad Habits And Other Stuff Revealed

Many thank you's for all the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day but Jakey was at work so I missed him. Never mind, he has to do it so that I don't. What a guy!

Like many people when I blog I write about the stuff that is frilly and fluffy and don't delve to deep into the other stuff. This is a blog about adoption after all, although right now it seems to be more about Lily than the journey as the journey appears to have taken a huge detour. I leave out the stuff about me cos well it just isn't as interesting as Lilys antics. However I have been tagged to this meme and it must be done. Darn this thing is hard!

4 Facts About Me:

1. I came to the U.S. after finishing the equivalent of high school for a short stay and on my last night here I met Jacob. The rest, as they say, is history.

2. I have, for as long as I can remember, always wanted children.

3. I get freaked out if things are a mess and I have to put everything away all the time. However I cannot close a door or a drawer to save my life.

4. I cannot brush my teeth at a sink where other people have brushed theirs, I gag. So until we moved in here and the place was brand new I always had to brush my teeth in the shower in the morning and in between I would walk out of the bathroom and brush and spit in the loo. Yes I know it is freakish.

4 Habits I Have.

1. I cannot let my food touch other food on a plate and I eat all of one thing before starting another. It drove my folks up the wall.

2. I worry about anything and everything and also get very excited about stuff. Before we go on vacation I cannot sleep the night before.

3. I make lists for everything and always check them off as I complete the list.

4. I cannot fall asleep at night unless I rub a piece of fabric on my nose. I always have the same piece hidden under my pillow.(way to much info to be throwing out for the world to see) My hubby just ignores this about me.

4 New Things I Have Learnt Or Experienced In The Last 4 Years.

1. I have learnt what it is like to love a child and have them love you back. There are just no words for this.

2. Lost a friend and through this found out what life really means.

3. Have realised that I cannot control everything in my life and that somethings just work out much better if I just relinquish control.

4. Faced infertility head on and came through it with the biggest smile on my face. Who knew that something that once was so painful could end in such bliss.

4 Things I Want To Try And Do In The Next 4 Years.

1. Leave Miami

2. Start a nursing career in oncology

3. Learn to be more patient. I expect eveyone to move as fast as me and do as many things at the same time as me. Hubby says it is my biggest flaw.

4. Stop being so obsessive about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

I haven't mentioned bringing home Chopstick cos that is quite obvious and if it isn't you have obviously forgotten the plot.

I cannot imagine that there is a blog out there that has not been tagged for this one so I am not about to tag anyone but if you were missed go ahead and do it now. Now, I mean do it now, damn it! Oh sorry that was that patience thing rearing it's ugly head again.


Janet said...

A listmaker AND a control freak? You must be my long lost sister....:-)

Mr.Brian said...

I have known others with the food not touching business and eating one thing at a time.I wonder why some people do that?It is an interesting quirk I must say.
Oh well I have many myself but since I live alone no one has to know.

Polar Bear said...

You and I would get along GREAT! I'm a control freak too!

Happy Birthday!!!
Hope it was a GREAT one!

M and M said...

I rub my feet together to go to sleep...no fabric mind you, but still something!! heehee

Very cool how you met Jacob on the last night...you are going to have to go into more detail at some point in time...

Kathy and Joel said...

There is a house for sale on my street. Leave Miami and come live near me!!!

The Thomas Clan said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday. I still dream of pushing forward with my nursing degree too, although at this rate I will be the old matron of the ward.

Pug Mama said...

First - Happy Birthday to you!!!!
I am also soooo impatient and expect everyone to move at my pace and do things as I would, and a mess throws me in such a foul mood, must clean up everything at once.

3D said...

I too am a listmaker! LOVE my lists.

Your story of meeting Jacob sounds so romantic and out of a movie.

Keep smilin!

redmaryjanes said...

That is a great meme. I am so glad that you have your wonderful husband and daughter. Life is good.

Colleen said...

The brushing teeth in the shower thing made me giggle. I love these lists - we learn so much about each other.

Happy belated bday!!!

insanemommy said...

Leave Mi-yami?! I'm trying to get there. I'll trade you places... My dh doesn't want to go back. Maybe it's coz his family is there? Hmmm, never thought of that..

I'm a list maker too. Total control freak. Everything has a place---that's my motto. No clutter.

Great list


Nikki said...

Ooh girl, you ARE kinda freaky, aren't ya?
Still love ya to bits.
Soooo cool about meeting Jacob on your (supposed) last day here, that made me smile HUGE.

Totally with you on the infertility thing too -- who knew our Lilys were waiting at the end of that road? Again, smiling HUGE.

XOXO Hope you enjoyed your birthday even though Jakey had to work.

Holly said...

Oh that whole toothbrushing thing just cracks me up! I understand your point though. Kinda nasty.

Sandra said...

It seems like I am in good company with all these list makers!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn I am similar with lists.But as you know I just pile food on my plate as high as possible.But my eyes are not bigger than my tummy so wasted food is not an issue....however my tummy is now HUGE.lol love big bruv
p.s. Was I the first??? xxx


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