When it is time for Lily to go to bed our house glows throughout the neighbourhood, heck it can probably be seen from the space shuttle. When she was younger she had a nighlight. A single solitary 4 watt bulb in her room. Once we moved here she wanted the upstairs hall light left on when she went to sleep and we were fine with it since she wasn't used to sleeping upstairs. Recently I put a nightlight in her bathroom so that if she needed to go "peeps" in the night she could take herself and not wake us up.
She is about to turn five and I think it is time to lose some of the wattage. I told her tonight to pick which light she wanted and she was not happy about it at all. I ended up telling her that if she tried very hard to go to sleep with just her nightlight that I would buy her a book at her book fair tomorrow so she obliged. She wasn't upset to the point of tears cos I would have caved instantly but she was quite put out. She did it and went to sleep in a second.
For all of you parents out there, I have a question. What is the deal with nightlights and when did you start to faze them out. I am not planning on plunging her into darkness but I think she has way to many and I am trying to get her back down to one. Advice please.
This next part is just for the records since I somehow failed to mention it when it happened. The CCAA sent out its referrals for the month and I believe did 6 days. It doesn't sound like many but there were so many babies. At this point we have 94 referral days ahead of us. ( not including holidays so it could be more)

Dont have an answer because I dont have kids, but I am learning a lot from all of you...
No advice here, as you know, I still haven't gotten Lily out of our bed! (and we don't use a night light)...good luck to you!
It sounds like she did really well tonight. She is such a good girl.
I remember being about six and the hall light was still on - I had younger brothers - yeah that's it. My brothers needed the light! ;o)
If only CCAA would update the review room stats I would be a happy girl!
I wish I could give you some advice on the whole nightlight thing...
Good luck with it. :)
Can't help you with the night light situation. I do know we had our hall light on until I was six or so.
I had a horrible dream last night and woke up and turned my bedside lamp on. I'm still using my nightlight! Kidding- though that did happen last night. I think you can probably do it gradually. I can't remember honestly how my mom got me to stop using one. I just remember that eventually I didn't need it. I was older though - maybe 7 or 8 when I finally gave it up.
I need a night light in the hall not because of fear but I am blind without my glasses and have poor depth perception. One too many stubbed toes and bruised arms.
Keep smilin!
Uh...I must be weird. I have a nighlight in my bedroom and in the bathroom. I always have. Always. I guess I'm afraid there will be a bug I might step on or something ;0)
Great, now I know my daughter will like pitch black. It's poetic justice ;0)
I thought our daughter needed a night light but when I put it on, she got sooooo distracted by all of the shadows, etc. that she wouldn't want to go to sleep!! lol!
That ended that! ;)
That doesn't help you though, does it? lol! Hang in there! I'm sure it will all work out!
And for the record...I needed a night light for a REALLY LONG TIME!! lol!
lucky momma to a sweetie from Hubei
Well, for the whole night light thing...
I still hate the dark at night...lol and have a sweet box light plus a multicolor nightlight thing in my room along with a nightlight in the hallway and in my bathroom!
lol... so in my opinion, I wouldn't be to strict with the night light thing if I were you. I'm nearly 13 and yeah, u ge thte pic! :)
When my son was little he was happy with his little nightlight, when we moved to a larger home 3 years ago he startd wanting the bathroom light on. His bathroom is right next to his room. Last year hubby installed a dimmer on the bathroom light so I leave it full on when I put kiddo to bed, but when I go to bed I dim it so that it is not too bright but bright enough for him if he has to use the toilet. Seems to be working! :O)
Good luck to you!
Sophia requested one this past winter and Emmie still has one in her room. But only one in each. I say whatever helps them sleep and feel secure.
My son is 5 and has a night light in his room and the bathroom. He did go through a faze earlier this year where he wanted the hall light on. We did move him to his "big boy" room around the same time so I figured it was because of that. We are now back to just the night lights.
I am so behind on your blog!!!
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