3 Nov 2006

Huge Step Along The Way


The CCAA website changed it's website again this morning and it now reads that it has finished reviewing documents registered in its office before Jan 31st 2006 which means it is now reviewing February 2006. WE ARE FEBRUARY 2006!

Now we are both nervous and excited all at once. Jacob said hurray and I said , oh C**p! This is when the Chinese officials scrutinize every little document that was sent to them from us. Thankfully our agency scrutinizes them first and they are pretty tough so hopefully this will be nothing but a nerve wrecking wait to hear absolutely nothing. This is a case of no news is good news. I shall be under the bed until the website changes again. Luckily I cleaned under the bed the other day for the social workers visit so it shouldn't be to dusty! I know we have done this all before so why do I feel so queasy again?

A huge congratulations to all the Feb LID'ers we are one big step closer!


3D said...

It is all good! Congrats!

Keep smilin!

PIPO said...

We're gonna be just fine! I believe that :0)

Dannye said...

I understand your quesiness, just remember, it will all be okay, or just click your heels together and repeat, "there's no place like home, there's no place like home" (oh wait, guess that isn't applicable here, but I always think nothing bad happened to Dorothy so it must have worked there too, right). We're keeping our fingers and toes crossed for you guys.

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

I hope your stay in review is short and sweet but most of all silent.

Can't wait to hear that you are outta there and pending a referral.


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