28 Mar 2013

4 down, how many more to go?

Lilipop went back to the ortho today for the results of her MRI and a new cast.

Her scaphoid bone is not broken. Yee Haw.

She only has to spend 6 weeks in a cast. Yee Haw.

She got a new short cast today. Yee Haw.

She got to pick the colour. Yee Haw.

She didn't get a waterprrof one.  :(

Once the old cast was removed I was given a few minutes to wash her arm. It obviously felt a bit dry and rough because it has been void of life for 8 days straight. I however thought it felt really gross and funky, it was not just the typical dryness associated with casts but what do I know.

When Dr. M came in to see her and re-cast it he told her the results, chatted for a couple of minutes and then said she could have a waterproof cast. She was so happy. He explained she could only kick, or swim with one arm, no left arm involvement at all and then he picked up her arm to look at it and his whole demeanour changed.

Kidlets arm has developed a reaction to the cast. It is almost like a dermatitis and she is raw, in some places to the point of almost bleeding. He thinks it might be from the cotton sleeve as that is where it is worse. He wouldn't put on the waterproof cast. He is worried that when the water sits in it for hours it will just make things much much worse. It really is nasty.

Tonight I gently washed the newly exposed skin and massaged Sudacrem into it and even that stung. I don't see how it is going to get better in a week as  the same thing has been put on it that was on it before and for the same amount of time. TIme will tell.

Lilipop is as happy as a clam to have on a short cast and have the freedom of her elbow joint and thumb.  I think it is amazing that if I sleep in the same position for a few hours I can't move when I wake up. She has had her arm in the same postion for 8 days and she had no trouble moving it at all, the very second it was set free! Ahh, to be young again.

Enough with the pictures Mummy. 
pretty blue nails and matching cast.
I wast aking a photo of Rosie swimming when Lily suddenly photobombed it. I love this shot cos her arms are out straight. yay.
Happy girl again


Jessie said...

Yay, glad to see you back "open" - LOL. Don't let anyone bully you into hiding your blog. IT'S YOUR blog, not theirs!! I guess that's good news about Lily? I like that her nail polish matches her cast! Such a fashionista!! ~nancy

Life frome where we are said...

I too love the matching nail polish! Four weeks will go by in a flash.....just blink your eyes!

Life frome where we are said...

I too love the matching nail polish! Four weeks will go by in a flash.....just blink your eyes!


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