It's Pancake Day. If we were in Olney we would be engulfed with huge crowds, television cameras and lots of ladies all lined up at the start line waiting to race in the Pancake Race. The ladies would all be dressed as old fashioned housewives, wearing pinnies and headscarves and carrying a frying pan complete with a pancake in it. Alas we are not in Olney we are in Miami but we are celebrating the day anyway. We all love pancakes, not the thick small ones typical in this country but the large thin ones, crepes, as you call them here Lawdy do we love them.
Olney races against a small town in Arkansas and this year Arkansas won by a huge nine second lead. That lady was fast or maybe we had snails, I don't know but either way she really rocked it.
Jacob had a brain wave this morning and suggested we only have pancakes for dinner ie. for our main course as well as dessert. Stellar idea Mister that is what we did. I made BLT's with fresh spinach and fresh grated asiago cheese and for dessert Rosie had them with Nutel*a and strawberries, Lily and I had my traditional lemon juice and sugar and Jacob will have butter, cinnamon and sugar, when he gets home. I have to make gallons of batter cos we can really put them away. Whilst you eat them they are so light but after a while you feel like a brick is in your tummy. I feel that way right now and so does Rosie. I think tomorrow will be a perfect day to add that extra mile to my run.
Lily has been my assistant chef in the pancake department for years so this year she graciously let Rosie take over. Lily still tossed them though. Tossing is an integral part of pancake day!
Rosie is checking the recipe. This cookery book was given to me when I was 8 and it is right up my alley. It uses pictures to show you how to cook.
Chef Rosie stirring the batter
Such concentration.
Oh my I have just realised I should have invited Pammie over. She loves English pancakes! Uh oh I am in trouble now. Pammie come by any time they are so fast to make I will make you some to order!
What a great idea! I'm thinking about stealing your idea for dessert - pancakes with Nutella and strawberries. I have everything I need for that in the kitchen! :)
Ooohh!!! I love it!!
When I was Lily's age, my Uncle Mel & his wife had a nanny. She used to make us "rollover pancakes" as a treat each Saturday morning. They were always so yummy, & I looked forward to "rollover pancakes" in the same way you enjoy English pancakes. Now if only I knew how to make them. Perhaps, you could send me the recipe? I know a certain little 8 year old who might enjoy them also.
Tammie, they are so easy. If I can do them they must be a breeze. We roll them up so I bet they are the same ones.
Oh this post made me homesick.....we were in England for pancake day last year!
Plus it made me very hungry....I want pancakes...lemon juice & sugar...the best!
You are good...we just had regular pancakes with syrup and sausages.
Look delish! Quite the little chefs!
Keep smilin!
thanks for remembering. I will take you up on your offer soon. Lily looks like a real pro & Rosie close behind. Just think soon you will have 2 chefs and your meals prepared as you like them. Love u guys Pammie
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