15 Mar 2011

I ♥ Spring Break.

I could have been a Drill Sergeant in the Army, (if I could stand people hollering orders all day) because I am very regimented, very. This house has a routine and 99% of the time we stick to it. Ask me what I am doing on a particular day at a particular time and I can probably tell you. I love organization, love self discipline and am really OCD. All that said I am unabashedly gleeful about Spring Break . I love having both girls home, I love the fact that things can meander along at a slower pace but more than anything I love being able to be out and about with them during the week.
First thing this morning we took Rosie for a haircut. She has horrible hair, it's fine, thin and gets itself into a woozle every single night whilst she sleeps. The only way we can tame the beast is to keep it short.

Getting started
A quick blow dry
I love it. Rosie doesn't, she says, "it is too short, like a boys!"
I had mine cut yesterday the same length so that must make 2 boys.

The weather turned cooler again last week and it is perfect so we choose to spend the afternoon at one of our favourite parks.
A highlight of a trip to the Grove, A.C's Icee's
Climbing over the rocks
Throwing a tiny coconut into the bay
Driving home we passed a roundabout with these enormous giant snails on. This roundabout used to have the most beautiful statue of an old fashioned, worn out, work boot. Not sure who the genius was who chose to replace it with these chaps.

Perhaps the idea is to make you slow down like a snail and take in the beauty of your surroundings.
We did just that.


Life frome where we are said...

Tell Rosie she is very chic with her new "do" nothing like a boy!

Liene said...

Emi's hair is weird on one side of her head. It's like this one section is very coarse and every morning it's a bird's nest and I have to use detangler to comb through it. I love the bob. That's how I keep Em's hair for now. I'd like it to be a bit longer but long hair just isn't her right now.

Looks like you are having a good Spring Break and the weather is good. Hope it stays that way all week. It's going to be warming up here tomorrow too. In the 70's I think.

Tammie said...

Looks like you're all having a lovely Spring Break!


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