1 Nov 2010

Twick Or Tweat.

Twick or Tweat is Rosies way of saying those infamous 3 words that produce candy! Both girls had a lot of fun last night and even though we only went to houses of people that we know they still managed to fill up their buckets to the top. I even had to "reuse" some when we ran out. Some snot face kid or kids decided it would be fun to take the candy and the bowl so when we got home I had to re-do it all. Thankfully I had plenty and it wasn't until after 9pm that we ran out completely.

There were not as many big kids this year as in the past and that worked really well for Rosie as she gets so scared. Lily also enjoyed walking around the neigbourhood with Daddy, while Rosie and I stayed home.

My little trick or treaters.

Ready to go
Lets go Mummy.
Rosie's new friend
handing out the candy


Maci Miller said...

Oh, how sweet are they? Rosie makes the cutest cowgirl ever! Big Fall hugs from us up here!

4D said...

The cuteness is killing me!!!

Keep smilin!

Liene said...

The girls look great in their costumes! I'm glad they had fun. We turned our porch light off at 8:30. Eriks had school in the morning and there was no way he would go to bed if we kept giving out candy. It was bad enough he went to bed late because of trick or treating.

Sorry the candy and the bowl were stolen like that.

Briana's Mom said...

GREAT costumes! The girls looked adorable!


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