23 Sept 2010

Eating Crow.

Yep, I sure am. I'm eating crow.
Do you remember when I posted about going to Rosie's open house and feeling absolutely no connection towards her teacher whatsoever? Oh my goodness I could not have been more wrong. The woman is a saint. She is so sweet and kind and exactly what Rosie needs in order to get used to being away from me. If I had had to hand pick a person to leave Rosie with it would be Ms. Maria.

Normally I consider myself an excellent judge of character but I missed this one by a mile.

Rosie loves her too. Once she sees her she flies into her arms and gives her the biggest hug. Yes, little Miss Shy-pants goes running as fast as her legs will carry her to see her teacher. It is a beautiful thing. Today when I got to school Ms. Maria had a special gift for Rosie, Llama Llama, Mad at Mama. Apparently they read the book in class last week and Rosie laughed so much and enjoyed it so much that she went out and bought a copy for her.

Gotta go now, I have a little bit more crow left on my plate!

Don't forget to bug the crap out of Thesaurus.com in your politest way possible! Thank you. I send them a little reminder every day. You get more flies with honey that you do with vinegar so be nice!


Briana's Mom said...

I'm so glad Rosie loves her teacher. I had some worries regarding Bri's preschool teacher last year, but Bri ended up absolutely loving her and she loved Bri too. Sometimes it takes a little while to get to know someone.

Tammie said...

How wonderful that Miss Maria is charming Rosie!! And so sweet of her to buy that book especially for her. Then again, I do believe that Rosie could get people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Heck! She could probably get me to eat a carrot!

Vivian M said...

What a very good reason to eat crow!

Maci Miller said...

So glad Rosie is doing well and loves her teacher. That's just great! And how nice of her to get that book! What a sweet thing for her to do! I love those Llama books! We have Llama Llama Red Pajama but Ruby is not a fan. Tried to read it many times and she just isn't into it. So funny. Bet it's cause she is too like the llama drama! LOL!

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