17 Nov 2008

Lily Update

It's never as easy as you think!

At the end of the day yesterday I was so thankful that this episode was behind us and thankful to know all that we knew and to have Lily safely tucked in to bed and sleeping soundly. Once I arrived at school this morning I had to fill out lots of paperwork and was also given a form to be filled out by her pediatrician. I rang her office and she said to bring Lily in cos she wanted to check her out for herself. I picked Lily up from school, grabbed the forms, a copy of the prescriptions and off we went.

Lily checked out fine. She does not like the reaction on her skin from the bites and and of course she still has some hives left over. She determined that Lily needs to go and see an allergist because with this episode and her nasty reaction to mossy bites she feels that she is going to be allergic to bees etc and the next reaction is probably not going to be very pleasant. She gave us a prescription for some more meds. Lily has to stay on the steroids for a few more days and I also learnt that an allergic reaction like this can happen again within anytime for the the next 4-5 days...oh joy!

Since I posted this yesterday I have heard from a lot of parents of Chinese children who are also allergic to bites. Apparently it is very common amongst them.

We see the allergist on Friday and if I learn anything that pertains to our children in general I will share it with you.

Lily is fine and rather pleased with her EpiPen? We have told her it isn't a toy and she gets that but she just really loves having one. Nut case. She wasn't at all happy to find out that it will be locked away in the nurses office at school and that she won't be carrying it around in her book bag.

She is 6 and this has never happened before so in my overly optimistic opinion it won't be happening again!

1 comment:

Vivian M said...

I did not know bite allergies were common in Asian kids! I will keep an eye out and buy some Benedryl to have at home just in case.
I think it is a great idea to have her go to an allergy specialist. Maybe they can also test and find out if there is anything else she is very allergic to. And thank you for sharing this info for those of us that had no experience with allergies with our kids!


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