Humour me here please and take a look at your hands and study your thumbs, funny things aren't they? They sort of look like big toes only more delicate.
Lily has the cutest thumbs I have ever seen (I know I am her mother and I am supposed to think that but she really does) they are bent and crooked. They don't even face the usual way that thumbs face, they are only off by a bit but they are funky. I have tried to take pictures of them tonight to share with you but they just aren't very clear and you can't really see how squiggly they are. But then I videoed them and at the end of it she bends them down and you can clearly see how cute they are.
She came home from school one day and said that the kids in school were trying to straighten them for her and they were pulling on them and another kid thought if she blew on them and then snapped her fingers they would be fine. Lily thought it was great fun as she loves the fact that her little digits are a tad whacky and she knows that I think they are wonderful.
Jacob has really weird pinkies on both hands that don't bend and I have really crooked pinkes on both hands so Lily loves the fact that she has the worlds cutest thumbs to match our family.
Yes, you are correct, I have nothing better to blog about this evening other than her thumbs!
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Oh man , I love those crooked little fatties.
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where is thumbkin, where is thumbkin, here I am, here I am....
she does have the cutest little digits, hehehe
Cutie Patootie Thumbs! How sweet!! Joel has one crooked thumb, but I tend to think it is a result of some accidental carpentry deal.
I have a pinkie that is shorter then the other but it is as a result of a door injury.
Cute thumbiness! Double jointed or bones made out of elastics?
Keep smilin!
Oh My Goodness. Can Lily and her thumbs be any cuter!!
I have wonky toes - the two next to the big toes look broken as they face the outside of my foot...Weird!
Dawn, I think that's very characteristic of the Asian population in general. My husband's sister was adopted from Korea 31 yrs ago and she too has those crooked, fat thumbs! Maybe it has to do with the way they worked out in the fields???? Who knows, but I think it's cool and unique!!!
Glad to see everyone happy, healthy and playing with their thumbs!
They are super cute -- but I think EVERYTHING about Lily is darling.
I just love how she does every little thing you ask her to do for the camera - what a good girl!
Thumbs up!
Too cute she is.
Cute thumbs, Lily!
I love how her classmates tried to help straighten her thumbs. The blowing and then snap remedy is priceless. :)
You have nothing better to blog about than thumbs, and we all have nothing better to do then to put our thumbs right up there with Lily, to see it we can bend ours also!!!
She is talented. I couldn't do it at all.
How cute is that.. some day she'll be the life of the party with her "thumb" acts. ;-)
Love the help of her classmates. If only it were that easy. :-)
I give my thumbs up too to those funky little thumbs!
They are cute and a little crooked! Each of my children has a cute little feature too. Things that we mothers love.
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